In this AngularJS training you can learn developers how to use AngularJS to facilitate development of single-page web applications that use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. And also understand the design of single-page applications and how AngularJS facilitates their development, Properly separate the model, view, and controller layers of your application and implement them using AngularJS, Master AngularJS expressions, filters, and scopes.
♦ What does AngularJS do for me?
♦ Who controls AngularJS?
♦ How can I get AngularJS?
Our first AngularJS application
♦ A basic application
♦ Using angular-seed
♦ The pieces of the puzzle
Two-way data binding
♦ How it fits together
How much of the page is an Angular application?
♦ Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
Single Page Applications
♦ What do we mean by Single Page Application?
♦ Creating Angular Modules
♦ Using Angular's Routing Service
Routing Basics
Accessing URL Data
Using the $location Service
♦ Creating a Skeleton Single Page Application
♦ Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angular’s perspective
♦ Managing Scope
♦ Setting up Behavior
♦ Building a basic controller
♦ A more advanced controller
♦ How to create a model
♦ Explicit models
♦ Implicit models
♦ Angular's take on the View: a little bit different
♦ Tying a View to a Controller
♦ Tying a View to a model
♦ Expressions are lightweight code snippets
♦ Expression capabilities
♦ Limitations
♦ The border between expressions and level
♦ Standard filters
♦ Writing your own filter
♦ Tying filters together
♦ What are scopes?
♦ What do scopes provide?
♦ Scope lifecycle
♦ Scopes as glue between controller and view
♦ Scope hierarchies
♦ Scope and events
Angular Forms
♦ Angular forms vs HTML forms
♦ Angular form controls
♦ Form events
♦ The form controller
♦ Form validation
CSS classes for form data
Ajax, Data, and Angular
♦ High level interactions with servers
♦ Low-level server interactions with $http
♦ The deferred/promises API
♦ Making RESTful Service calls with $resource
♦ Teaching HTML new tricks
♦ Binding text and attributes
♦ Directive processing lifecycle
DOM Processing
♦ A basic directive
♦ Directives and scopes
♦ Creating reusable directives
♦ Turning directives into components
Testing in Angular
♦ Unit testing
Working with Dependency Injection
Other unit testing issues
♦ End-to-end testing
Angular’s E2E testing framework
Commands and expectations
Controlling what happens before and after the test
Running a scenario
AngularJS 2.x Overview and Migration Strategy
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