This Kafka training from Intellipaat equips you with all the skills needed for becoming an Apache Kafka professional. Kafka is a real-time message broker that allows you to publish and subscribe to message streams. Some of the topics included in this online training course are the Kafka API, creating Kafka clusters, integration of Kafka with the Big Data Hadoop ecosystem along with Spark, Storm and Maven integration.
♦ What is Apache Kafka
♦ Kafka Features and terminologies
♦ High level kafka architecture
♦ Real life Kafka Case Studies
Integrating Flume and Kafka
♦ Overview
♦ Use Cases
♦ Configuration
♦ Tips for Deployment
Kafka Operations and Performance Tuning
♦ Offset
♦ Design
♦ Hardware
♦ Kafka Monitoring and Issues
♦ Kafka Performance Tuning
♦ Reading data from Kafka
♦ Demo-Twitter Kafka Producer
♦ Introduction to Scala
♦ Mixed Paradigm-Functional Programming
♦ Scala Installation & Configuration
♦ Scala REPL
♦ Scala Project Using Eclipse
Understanding Broker
Introduction to Zookeeper
♦ What is Zookeeper
♦ Leader Election by Zookeeper
♦ Applications using Zookeeper
♦ Zookeeper Architecture
♦ Zookeeper configuration and installation
♦ Zookeeper Troubleshooting
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