Apache Sqoop

Course Overview:

In this Apache Sqoop Tutorial, we will learn the whole concept regarding Sqoop. We will study What is Sqoop, several prerequisites required to learn Sqoop, Sqoop Releases, Sqoop Commands, and Sqoop Tools. The basic usage of Sqoop. Moving forward, we will also learn how Sqoop works. Moreover, we will also learn Sqoop Import and Sqoop Export with Sqoop Example.

Course Content:


♦ Setup Options

♦ Setup Cloudera QuickStart VM

♦ Setup Hortonworks Sandbox

♦ Data Sets and Big Data labs for practicing Sqoop - from ITVersity

♦ Using Windows - Putty

♦ Using Windows - Cygwin

Introduction to Sqoop

♦ Introduction to Sqoop

♦ Validate Source Database - MySQL

♦ Review JDBC Jar file to connect to MySQL

♦ Getting help of Sqoop using Command Line

♦ Overview of Sqoop User Guide

♦ Validate Sqoop and MySQL integration using "sqoop list-databases"

♦ List tables in MySQL using "sqoop list-tables"

♦ Run Queries in MySQL using "sqoop eval"

♦ Understanding Logs in Sqoop

♦ Redirecting Sqoop Logs into files

Apache Sqoop - Importing Data into HDFS

♦ Overview of Sqoop Import Command

♦ Perform Sqoop Import of orders - --table and --target-dir

♦ Perform Sqoop import of order_items - --warehouse-dir

♦ Sqoop Import - Managing HDFS Directories - append or overwrite or fail

♦ Sqoop Import - Execution Flow

♦ Reviewing logs of Sqoop Import

♦ Sqoop Import - Specifying Number of Mappers

♦ Review the Output Files

♦ Sqoop Import - Supported File Formats

♦Validating avro Files using avro-tools

♦ Sqoop Import - Using Compression

Apache Sqoop - Importing Data into HDFS - Customizing

♦ Sqoop Import - Customizing - Introduction

♦Sqoop Import - Specifying Columns

♦ Sqoop Import - Using boundary query

♦ Sqoop Import - Filter unnecessary data

♦ Sqoop Import - Using Split By

♦ Sqoop Import - Importing Query Results

♦ Sqoop Import - Dealing with Composite Keys

♦ Sqoop Import - Dealing with Primary Key or Split By using Non Numeric Field

♦ Sqoop Import - Dealing with Tables with out Primary Key

♦ Sqoop Import - Autoreset to One Mapper

♦ Sqoop Import - Default Delimiters using Text File Format

♦ Sqoop Import - Specifying Delimiters - Import NYSE Data with t as delimiter

♦ Sqoop Import - Dealing with NULL Values

♦ Sqoop Import - import-all-tables

Apache Sqoop - Importing Data into Hive Tables

♦ Quick Overview of Hive

♦ Sqoop Import - Create Hive Database

♦ Creating empty Hive Table using create-hive-table

♦ Sqoop Import - Import orders table to Hive Database

♦ Sqoop Import - Managing Table using Hive Import - Overwrite

♦ Sqoop Import - Managing Table using Hive Import - Error out - create-hive-table

♦ Sqoop Import - Understanding Execution Flow while importing into Hive Table

♦ Sqoop Delimiters vs. Hive Delimiters - Text Files

♦ Sqoop Import - Hive File Formats

♦ Sqoop Import all tables - Hive

Apache Sqoop - Exporting Data from HDFS to RDBMS

♦ Introduction

♦ Prepare data for Export

♦ Creating Table in MySQL

♦ Sqoop Export - Perform Simple Export - --table and --export-dir

♦ Sqoop Export - Execution Flow

♦ Sqoop Export - Specifying Number of Mappers

♦ Sqoop Export - Troubleshooting the issues

♦ Sqoop Export - Merging or Upserting Overview

♦ Sqoop Export - Quick Overview of MySQL for Upsert

♦ Sqoop Export - Using update-mode - update-only (default)

♦ Sqoop Export - Using update-mode - allow-inseert

♦ Sqoop Export - Specifying Columns

♦ Sqoop Export - Specifying Delimiters

♦ Sqoop Export - Using Stage Table

Apache Sqoop - Incremental Imports and Jobs

♦ Overview of Sqoop Jobs

♦ Adding Password File

♦ Creating Sqoop Job

♦ Running Sqoop Job

♦ Overview of Incremental Imports

♦ Incremental Import - Using where

♦ Incremental Import - Append Mode

♦ Incremental Import - Create training_orders_incr in retail_export

♦ Incremental Import - Create Job

♦ Incremental Import - Execute Job

♦ Incremental Import - Add additional data (order_id > 30000)

♦ Incremental Import - Rerun the job and validate results

♦ Incremental Import - Using mode lastmodified

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