- 1. Introduction To Java
- 2. Java History
- 3. Why Java
- 4. Features of Java
- 5. Environment Setup
- 6. Hello World Application
- 7. Java Program Internal
- 8. JDK, JRE, JVM
- 9. JVM- Java Virtual Machine
- 10. Class, Objects, Data Types
- 11. Variables
- 12. Type Casting
- 13. Operators
- 14. Java Comments
- 15. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- 16. Java Coding Standards
- 17. Package – Creating package, naming package
- 18. Java Keywords
- 19. Access Specifiers – Public, Private, Protected, Default
- 20. Static Concept – Block, Variable, Method, Class
- 21. Scanner Class
- 22. Control Statement – If, If…else, Nested if…else and Switch Case
- 23. Java Break Statement
- 24. Java Continue Statement
- 25. Flow Statement- for, while, do..while
- 26. Constructor- Default, Parameterized
- 27. Inheritance
- 28. Extends, super and this keyword
- 29. Method Overloading, Method Overriding
- 30. Interface
- 31. Abstract Class
- 32. Abstract Class vs Interface
- 33. Garbage Collection
- 34. Marker Interface
- 35. Serialization
- 36. Transient
- 37. Java instance of
- 38. Instance initializer block
- 39. Volatile Keyword in Java
- 40. Exception Handling
- 41. Exception Handling- try, catch, throw, throws, finally
- 42. String Concept
- String Basics
- String Methods
- 43. String Buffer
- 44. String Builder
- 45. Custom Immutable Class
- 46.Java - Arrays
- 47. Collection Framework
- Collection Basics
- Iterator Interface
- Methods of Collection Interface
- List
A] Array List B] Linked List C] Vector
- Set
A] Hash Set B] Tree Set
- Map
A] Hash Map B] Tree Map C] Hashtable
- Collection Framework Advance Concepts
- Comparable Interface
- Comparator Interface
- Collections class
- Differentiate Comparable and Comparator
- Java Enum
- Date Concept
- File Handling Concept
- File Handling Basics
- Create Folder
- Create File- .txt. .pdf, .xlsx, .docs, etc
- Write File
- Read File
- Delete File
- Thread
- Concept, Lifecycle
- Extends Thread
- Implement Runnable Interface
- Thread Priorities
- Thread Methods
- Multithreading
- Thread Synchronization
- Synchronization
- Object Locking
- Inter Thread Communication
- JDK 1.8.0 New Features with Hands-on
- Lambda Expression
- Functional Interface
- Default Method in Interface
- Static Method in Interface
- Method References
- Date Time API
- Stream API in details[All Advanced concepts as per Industry Practices]
- Collectors
- For each Loop
- String Joiner Class
- Parallel Sort
- Optional Class
- Java Mail API- Realtime Live Implementation
Programming practices, Concepts & Interview Preparation
- JDBCIntroduction
- JDBC Architecture
- DatabaseOverview
- JDBC Basics
- Create Database
- Create Table
- Insert, Update, Delete
- Truncate
- SQL Join
- Inner Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Full Outer Join
- Aggregate Function
- SQL Aliases
- SQL LIKE Operator
- SQL Between
- SQL Null Values
- SQL Stored Procedures
- Java Application Using JDBC Connectivity
- Handling SQL Exceptions
- DriverManager
- ResultSet
- Connection
- Statement
- Prepared Statement
- Collable Statement
- DB Connectivity Steps
- Store Image in SQL
- Read Image in SQL
- SQL Queries using SQLYog
- JDBC CRUD Application
- Servlet Basics
- Need of Server Side Programming
- Servlet Life Cycle 1 Init()
- Service()
- doGet()
- doPost() 3 Destroy()
- Servlet Hello World Application
- Web.xml Structure
- Servlet Directives- include(), forword(), sendRedirictive()
- HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse in Servlet
- Servlet and JDBC Integration
- Servlet, HTML 5, MySQL-JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Real Time Login Application
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom Sign Up | Sign In Application
- JSP Basics
- Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
- Scriplet
- Declaration
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat Login Application
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using User Sign Up | Sign In Application
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application with JDK Advanced features
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat using Custom CRUD Application with different Date Patterns and time zones as per Industrial Practices
- Servlet, JSP, MySQL- JDBC, Apache Tomcat Using Advanced Custom Project Implementation
Programming practices, Concept & Interview Preparation.
- Hibernate Introduction
- Hibernate Basics
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Session
- Hibernate SessionFactory
- Hibernate Configuration
- Hibernate Configuration Offline
- Hibernate with HBM
- Hibernate with Annotation
- Hibernate Validator
- Hibernate CRUD
- Hibernate Association Mapping
- One to One Mapping
- One to ManyMapping
- Many to OneMapping
- Many to ManyMapping
- Hibernate Aggregation
- Hibernate Named Queries
- Hibernate Native SQL
- HQL- Hibernate Query Language
- Hibernate HCQL- Criteria Query Language
- Hibernate Application with Mysql DB- CRUD
- Diff. save(), saveOrUpdate(), update(), persist() and merge()
- Diff. get() and load()
- Hibernate vs. JPA
- Hibernate Application with Mysql DB, Servlet, JSP-User Interface-CRUD
- Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Login Application
- Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Sign Up | Sign In Application
- Hibernate Application with Mysql DB, Servlet, JSP-User Interface-different Date Patterns with time zones
- Hibernate, MySQL, Servlet, JSP, Apache Tomcat Advanced Custom Project Implemenation
- Programming practices, Concept & Interview Preparation.
3.2.Spring Framework
- Spring Framework Introduction
- Spring Basics
- Spring Framework Features
- Inversion of Control
- Dependency Injection
- Beans Scope
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Request
- Session
- Global-Session
- Auto wiring
- Spring Annotations
3.3.Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Basics
- Spring MVC Annotations
- Spring MVC Hello World Application
- Spring MVC Restful Web Services Basics
- Spring MVC without Maven
- Apache Maven Basics
- Spring MVC with Maven
- Spring MVC Application Deployment
- Spring MVC Application Deployment with Loggers
- Spring MVC WAR File Creation and Deployment Steps
- Spring MVC, Hibernate, Mysql, Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat- CRUDOperation
- Java, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Algorithm, Hibernate, Maven, Mysql IntegrationApplication
- Modules-
- Customer Login
- Add Customer Details
- Edit Customer Information
- Delete Customer
- Delete all Customer
- View Customer List
- Roles
- Admin Role
- DBA Role
- User Role
- Password Encryption by using Spring Security Algorithm
- Remember Me Functionality
- Timeout Functionality
- Deploy on external Server
3.4.Spring Security
- Spring Security Basics
- Spring Security Features
- Spring Security Authentication
- Spring Security Encryption
- Password Encryption by using Spring Security
- Spring Security Login Form
- Spring Security Authentication
- Spring Security Maven Dependency
- Spring Security CRUD- Signup and Login Application
- Spring Security OAuth2 RealTime Implementation
- Spring Boot End Points Security
- Spring Boot, Spring Security- Restful Web Services with Advanced Authentication
- Single Sign-On with Spring Boot & Okta | OAuth 2.0
- Spring Boot with JWT Token base authentication
- Spring Boot with Spring Security using BCrypt Algorithm Role base authorization
3.5.Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Introduction
- Spring Boot Basics
- Why Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Features
- Main Goal of Spring Boot
- Creating Project- Spring Initializer
- Spring Boot Hello World Application
- Spring Boot Annotations
- Spring Boot Devtool Dependency- Without Restart application will see changes on browser
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot Build Systems
- Spring Boot Code Structure
- Spring Boot Tomcat Custom Port Number
- Spring Boot with RESTFul Service
- Spring Boot with Logger
- Deploy Spring Boot Applications on External Tomcat Server
- Spring Boot – Common Application Properties (
- Spring Boot, Hibernate with RESTFul Web Service
- Spring Boot, Spring Data with RESTFul Web Service
- Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, Spring- JDBCTemplate CRUD
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Project Lombok CRUD Application
- Spring Boot with XML Payload using Postman API
- Spring Boot with JSON Payload using Postman API
- Spring Boot Global Custom Validations
- Spring Boot Global Custom Exception Handling
- Spring Boot Code Debug Practices
- Spring Boot Application connectivity with Multiple Databases
- Spring Boot CORS Support
- Spring Boot with Hibernate, Project Lombok, Swagger UI
- Spring Boot with Hibernate HRM Application, Swagger UI
- Spring Boot Local Network Chat Application
- Spring Boot QR Code Generator Hands on Session
- Spring Boot QR Code Reader Hands on Session
- Spring Boot with Spring Security- JWT
- Spring Boot Advanced Research and Development with latest release as per Industry Practices
3.6.Spring Data- JPA
- Spring Data JPA Basics
- Spring Data JPA Introduction
- Spring Data JPA Architecture
- Spring Data JPA file
- JPA Repository
- CRUD Repository
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using Postman API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA HRM Application using Swagger UI
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using Postman API | Swagger UI
3.7.JUnit- Mockito Framework
- What is Unit testing
- What is JUnit
- JUnit Rules
- JUnit Arithmetic Application Example
- .Mockito Introduction
- .Mockito Annotations
- Mockito Setup
- What is Mocking
- .Need for mocking
- Methods of Mockito
- Mockito mock() method
- Mockito when() method
- Mockito verify() method
- Mockito doNothing() method
- Mockito times() method
- PowerMock
- JUnit Mockito Hibernate CRUD
- JUnit Mockito JPA CRUD
- JUnit Mockito JDBCTemplate CRUD
3.8.Spring- JDBCTemplate
- Spring JDBCTemplate Introduction
- RowMapper
- Builder
- Spring Boot, JDBCTemplate using Postman API Hands on Session
- Industrial Practices for Spring Boot JDBCTemplate
- Spring Boot JDBCTemplate CRUD Application
- Spring Boot JDBCTemplate SignUp | SignIn Application
- Real Time Signup and Signin Application using JDBCTemplate
- Spring Boot with JDBCTemplate HRM Application Swagger UI
- Advanced Research and Development for JDBCTemplate using Spring Boot
- MongoDB Introduction
- MongoDB Features
- MongoDB Database
- MongoDB Collection
- Spring Boot with MongoDB Integration
- Spring Boot with MongoDB CRUD Application
- Spring Boot with MongoDB API Creation
- Spring Boot with MongoDB SignUp | SignIn
- Spring Boot with MongoDB HRM Application
- SOAP Web Service
- RESTful Web Service
6.Design Pattern
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Abstract Factory Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Filter Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- Bridge Pattern
- Flyweight Pattern
- MVC Pattern
- Microservices Introduction
- Microservices Architecture
- Microservices Project Structure
- Microservices Frameworks
- Spring Boot with Microservices Basics
- Spring Boot with Microservices Coding Standards
- Spring Boot with Microservices Builder Design Pattern
- Spring Boot with Microservices QR Code Generator
- vs application.yml file
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data- JPA, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data- JDBCTemplate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, ORM, Microservices with Project Lombok
- Spring Boot, CORS, Spring Data[JDBCTemplate], Microservices CRUD with Project Lombok using React JS
- Creating Multiple Services using Spring Boot
- Logger with Microservices
- Rest Template Implementation
- VO package creation for Multi Model Application
- Set port number and application name for each service
- Service Registry- Eureka Server
- API Gateway for traverse centralize request
- Hystrix DashBoard
- Zipkin
- Sleuth
- Trace Application- System Health
- Spring cloud API Gateway
- Trace Fallback controller
- Trace Services are up/down using controller service
- Trace Dependent Services
- Trace Controller | Methods and Services how many times used/hit
- Advanced Level Research and Development for Microservices
- Microservices HRM/Payroll Application
- Microservices Customer | Product | Payment Order Application
- Spring boot project with Microservice architecture Real time integration of spring cloud eureka, Spring cloud API Gateway & Hystrix
- Spring Boot with Microservices all Advanced Interview Questions & Answers
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Domain and Hosting
- Website Deployment and Go Live
9.React JS
- React JS Basics
- React JS Features
- React JS Setup and Hello World Application
- React JS JSX
- React JS ES 6 Features
- React JS Component
- React JS State
- React JS Props
- React JS Constructor
- React JS Lifecycle
- React JS Events
- React JS Router
- React JS Forms
- React JS Tables
- React JS Portals
- React JS ES6
- React JS CSS
- React JS Hook
- React JS Redux
- React JS Hooks
- React useState Hook
- React JS, Axios, API Integration
- React JS and Back End Integration
- React JS Using Back End CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, React JS QR Code Application
- Spring Boot, React JS HRM Application
- Spring Boot, React JS Ecommerce Application
- React JS, JDK 1.8, Spring Boot, Data JPA, Maven, MySQL, Microservices, Project Lombok- Project Implementation
- What is AWS
- AWS Cloud Features
- Introduction to AWS Services
- Amazon Cloud Services
- Create EC2 Instance in AWS
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploy and scale web applications
- Deploy Spring Boot Application on AWS | Elastic Beanstalk
- Upload and deploy web applications in a simplified, fast way
- AWS Advanced Research and Development- Live Deployment
- AWS Interview Questions & Answers as per Industrial Practices
- Jenkin
- Postman API
- Maven
- Gradle
- Junit
- Splunk
- Apache Tomcat External Server Deployment
- Spring Boot JMS ActiveMQ | RabitMQ
- Apache Kafka
- JUnit- Mockito
- Swagger UI
- Code Analysis using SonarQube
- Code Coverage With Jacoco
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Oauth
- Principles of SOLID
- DevOps- CI/CD
- Agile Methodology
- Data Structure and Algorithms
- Java Advanced Tools as per Latest Release
- Oauth
- Principles of SOLID
- DevOps- CI/CD
- Agile Methodology
- Data Structure and Algorithms
- Java Advanced Tools as per Latest Releases
- JDK 17
- Eclipse
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache Maven
- Gradle
- SQLYog
- MongoDB
- Postman API
- Node.js
- Docker
- Gitbash
- Sublime
- Visual Studio Code