MongoDB is one of the most important NoSQL databases you can work with these days. It's extremely popular and MongoDB developers are in high demand. ow to install and use MongoDB locally and in the cloud (MongoDB Atlas).In this course you can learn how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on MongoDB databases,filter for data efficiently, Mongo Shell and drivers (e.g. Node.js driver. MongoDB Atlas - the cloud solution offered by MongoDB.
♦ NoSQL Databases
♦ CAP Theorem
♦ Features of MongoDB?
♦ Installation overview
♦ Documents
♦ Collections
♦ Databases
♦ Starting and stopping MongoDB
Introduction to Mongo Shell
♦ Basic commands in Mongo shell
♦ Data Types in Mongo shell
♦ Inserting and saving documents
Batch Insert
Insert Validation
♦ Removing documents
♦ Updating documents
Update top level fields
Update an embedded field
Update multiple documents
Replace a document
Querying data in Mongo Shell
♦ Introduction to find command
♦ Limitations in querying data
♦ Query for All Documents in a Collection
♦ Query by a Top Level Field
♦ Query by a Field in an Embedded Document
♦ Query by a Field in an Array
♦ Specify Conditions with Operators
♦ Combine Conditions
Data Aggregation
♦ Pipeline Operations
Integrating MapReduce and MongoDB
♦ Example 1: Finding All Keys in a Collection
♦ Example 2: Categorizing Web Pages
Aggregation Commands
♦ $count
♦ $distinct
♦ $group
♦ Create a Single-Field Index
♦ Create a compound index.
♦ Indexing Embedded Documents
♦ Indexing Arrays
♦ When Not to Index
♦ Types of Indexes
Unique Indexes
♦ Sparse Indexes
♦ Introduction to Replication
♦ Replication in MongoDB
Replica Set Elections
Rollbacks during Replica set Failover
♦ Replica Set Members
♦ Replica Set Read and Write Semantics
♦ Consistency Considerations
♦ Introduction to Sharding
♦ Purpose of sharding
♦ Sharded Cluster Components
♦ Sharding in MongoDB
♦ Data Partitioning
♦ Maintaining a Balanced Data Distribution
♦ Choosing a shard key
Shard Key Limitations and guidelines
♦ Adding shards from a replica set
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