OpenStack is a collection of open-source software projects that enables organizations to offer cloud computing services on industry-standard hardware. OpenStack has grown beyond its initial scope focused on deployment and management of computing, storage, and network resources to include new services that enable a highly functional cloud computing platform
♦ Introduction of Cloud Computing and OpenStack
♦ Fundamentals of Cloud Computing Different types of cloud
♦ Different types of cloud services
♦ What is Open Source?
♦ Comparing OpenStack with other Clouds
♦ OpenStack Architecture and terminology.
Deploying OpenStack
♦ Requirements, Capacity Planning.
♦ Open vSwitch Configuration
♦ Deploying OpenStack
♦ Adding a Compute Node
Horizon Web Interface
♦ Creating a Project
♦ Creating a User
♦ Managing Flavors in Horizon
♦ Launching an Instance
♦ Manage to compute instance actions (e.g. launch, shutdown, terminate)
♦ Configure an Instance with a Floating IP address
♦ Manage project security group rules
♦ Assign security group to Instance
♦ Assign floating IP address to Instance
♦ Detach floating IP address from Instance
♦ Manage Nova user keypairs
♦ Manage Nova compute Controller Services
♦ Get Nova stats (hosts, services, tenants
♦ Verify operation of the Compute service
Managing RabbitMQ Messenger Broker
♦ Verifying and managing the message broker installation.
♦ What is RabbitMQ Messenger Broker
♦ Understanding the workflow
♦ Troubleshooting RabbitMQ Message Broker
Using Keystone Identity Service
♦ Verifying the Keystone Identity Service
♦ Adding services to the Keystone service catalog
♦ Creating and Managing Users with Keystone commands
♦ Defining Roles and assigning roles to a user
♦ Troubleshooting Keystone
Swift Object Storage Service
♦ Manage access to object storage
♦ Manage expiring objects
♦ Manage storage policies
♦ Monitor space available for the object store
♦ Verify operation of Object Storage
♦ Manage permissions on a container in object storage
Glance Image Service
♦ Verifying the Glance Image Service
♦ Storing Images
♦ Building and Sealing an Image
♦ Using glance commands
♦ Using Swift as backend Store for Glance
Cinder Block Storage Service
♦ Block Storage Services
♦ Block Storage supported drivers
♦ Verifying the Cinder
♦ Creating and Managing cinder-volumes by command line.
Neutron Networking Service
♦ Verifying the Neutron Service
♦ Configuring Networking for a Tenant via Command line
♦ Neutron Workflow
♦ Troubleshooting the Neutron networking service
Nova Compute and Controller
♦ What is Nova?
♦ Overcommitting Nova Resources
♦ Verifying the Nova services
♦ Launching an Instance via the nova command line
♦ Nova workflow
♦ Managing a nova-compute node
♦ How to add a new Nova compute node
Ceilometer Telemetry Service
♦ Basics and Concepts
♦ Verifying the ceilometer
♦ Data Gathering
Heat Orchestration
♦ What is Heat Orchestration Service
♦ Configuring the Heat Orchestration Service
♦ Launchings Stack.
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