Experience:13+ Years
An introduction to the design and creation of relational databases. Topics include storing, retrieving, updating, and displaying data using Structured Query Language (SQL) integrated into Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages, and Triggers (PL/SQL Programming).
♦ Basic SELECT Statement
♦ Selecting Specific Columns
♦ Writing SQL Statements
♦ Arithmetic Expressions
♦ Operator Precedence
♦ Null Values in Arithmetic Expressions
♦ Defining a Column Alias
♦ Concatenation Operator
♦ Using the Concatenation Operator
♦ Literal Character Strings
♦ Duplicate Rows
Restricting and Sorting Data
♦ Limiting Rows Using a Selection
♦ Using the WHERE Clause
♦ Character Strings and Dates
♦ Comparison Conditions
♦ Logical Conditions
♦ ORDER BY Clause
♦ Sorting in Descending Order
♦ Sorting by Column Alias
♦ Sorting by Multiple Columns
Single-Row Functions
♦ SQL Function
♦ Single-Row Functions
♦ Character Functions
♦ Using the Character-Manipulation Functions
♦ Working with Dates
♦ Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates
♦ General Functions
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
♦ Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables
♦ Cartesian Products
♦ Retrieving Records with Equijoins
♦ Outer Joins Outer Joins Syntax
♦ Retrieving Records with the USING Clause
♦ Creating Three-Way Joins with the ON Clause
Aggregating Data Using Group Functions
♦ Types of Group Functions
♦ Using the AVG and SUM Functions
♦ Using the MIN and MAX Functions
♦ Using the COUNT Function
♦ Creating Groups of Data:
♦ The GROUP BY Clause Syntax
♦ Types of Subqueries
Manipulating Data
♦ Data Manipulation Language
♦ Adding a New Row to a Table
♦ Updating Rows: Integrity Constraint Error
♦ The MERGE Statement Syntax
♦ Including Constraints
Creating Views
Other Database Objects
♦ CREATE SEQUENCE Statement Syntax
♦ NEXTVAL and CURRVAL Pseudocolumns
♦ Creating an Index
Controlling User Access
SQL Workshop
Using SET Operators
♦ Enhancements to the GROUP BY Clause
Advanced Subqueries
♦ Scalar Subquery Expressions
♦ Using the EXISTS Operator
♦ Using the NOT EXISTS Operator
Hierarchical Queries
♦ Extensions to DML and DDL Statements
♦ Pivoting INSERT
Plsql syllabus Part I:
♦ Introduction to PL/SQL
♦ Creating and Running PL/SQL Code
♦ PL/SQL Program Structure
♦ Conditional and Sequential Control
Loop Basics
♦ The Simple Loop
♦ The WHILE Loop
♦ The Numeric FOR Loop
♦ The Cursor FOR Loop ü Loop Labels
♦ Exception Handlers
♦ Exception-Handling Concepts and Terminology
♦ String Datatypes
♦ String Function
♦ Numbers, Numeric Datatypes
♦ Number Conversions & Numeric Functions
♦ Collection Methods
♦ Table Multiset Operations
♦ Maintaining Schema-Level Collections
Data Retrieval
♦ Cursor Basics
♦ Procedures, Functions, and Parameters
♦ Forward Declarations
♦ Go Forth and Modularize
♦ Rules for Calling Packaged Elements
♦ Working with Package Data
♦ Packages and Objects Types
♦ DML Triggers
♦ DDL Triggers
♦ Database Event Triggers
♦ Managing Code in the Database
♦ Testing PL/SQL Programs
♦ Tuning PL/SQL Programs
I/O and PL/SQL
♦ Working with Web-Based Data (HTTP)
♦ Build Internet Applications
♦ Introducing Oracle Forms Developer and Forms Services
♦ Grid Computing
♦ Benefits and Components of Oracle Developer Suite 10g
♦ Creating Forms Modules
♦ Working with Windows and Canvases
♦ Producing Triggers, Debugging Triggers
♦ Run-Time Messages and Alerts
♦ Query Triggers, Validation
♦ Introducing Multiple Form Applications Oracle Reports
♦ Introduction to Oracle Reports Developer
♦ Business Intelligence
♦ Enterprise Reporting
♦ Creating a Paper Report
♦ Creating a Web Report
♦ Working with SQL Worksheet
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