In Pentaho training you”ll gain exposure on the Pentaho Data Integration. You”ll Learn how to deliver data to various applications through out-of-the-box data standardization method. This course covers in-depth concepts in Pentaho data integration such as Pentaho Mondrian cubes, reporting, and dashboards. enrichment, and quality capabilities. You will get hands-on experience in Pentaho by working on various real-time applications.
♦ Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Introduction
♦ Pentaho Introduction
♦ Dashboard Content Linking
♦ Data-less Design Mode for Analyzer Reports
♦ Simplified Hadoop MapReduce Job Design
♦ Importance of repository and its usage
♦ 3 Types of repositories and their specific usage
♦ Use of various transformation steps
♦ Flow controls available in PDI
♦ Passing and retrieving data to/from the transformations
♦ Dealing with Variables
♦ How to create variables and how to use them in transformations
♦ Creating and using parameters
Business Analyst User Console
♦ Pentaho Business Analytics
♦ Introducing Pentaho Business Analytics
♦ Navigating the User Console
♦ Creating Reports With Interactive Reports
♦ Creating Analysis Reports With Analyzer
♦ Creating Pentaho Dashboards
Pentaho Business Analytics Report Designer
♦ Introducing Pentaho Business Analytics
♦ Connecting to a Data Source and Writing a Query
♦ Adding Data Elements and Creating Report Groups
♦ Create Group and Report Totals
♦ Formatting the Report & Applying Conditional Formatting
♦ Adding Report Parameters
♦ Creating Hyperlinks
♦ Creating Charts and Sub-Reports
♦ Create a report using Pentaho OLAP Cube
♦ Use of formula
♦ Parameter Creation
♦ Publish the Reports to BI Server
♦ User Level Security
Pentaho Business Analytics Report Designer – Advanced Reporting Topics
♦ Working with Charts in Report Designer
♦ Creating Report Templates
♦ Using the Report Wizard
♦ Create a Drillable Chart
Business Analytics Data Modeling
♦ Working with Data Sources in Pentaho
♦ How to Use Metadata Editor & Metadata Concepts
♦ Metadata Editor's Query Editor
♦ Introduction to OLAP and ROLAP
♦ Dimensional Modeling: Cubes and Stars
♦ Introduction to Mondrian
♦ Introduction to Schema Workbench
♦ How to Access Control with Schema Workbench
♦ CTools Fundamentals
♦ Running & debugging of jobs and transformation,Storing Log Information into log tables
♦ SCD implementation How to implement Slowly Changing Dimension using Pentaho kettle.
♦ CDC Implementation How to implement Change Data capture logic using kettle
CTools Advanced Concepts
♦ Review the Dashboard Design Process
♦ Advanced Layout Concepts
♦ CDF Lifecycle and Components Lifecycle
♦ Add the Technology and Year Parameter Components
♦ Developer Tools
♦ Custom Add-ins
♦ Map Components
♦ Template Components
♦ Role-based Dashboard Behavior
♦ Embedding Dashboards in an HTML Page
Table Using UITableView and UITable View Controller
♦ Introduction
♦ Objectives & Class Logistics
♦ Learning the PDI User Interface
♦ Introduction to Repositories
♦ Working with Pentaho dashboard and Report
♦ Working with Pentaho Server
♦ How to achieve localization in reports
♦ Serializing Multiple Text Files & De-serialize a File
♦ Connecting to & Exploring a Database
♦ Data Flows & LookUps
♦ Calculating & Aggregating Order Quantity
♦ Setting up & Monitoring the Scheduler
♦ Explore Data Integration Repository
♦ Detailed Logging throughout Execution
Pentaho & Hadoop Framework Fundamentals
♦ Overview of Pentaho & BigData
♦ Batch Processing Architecture
♦ Hadoop Data Ingestion Tools
♦ Hadoop ETL Connectivity
♦ How to Process Data in Hadoop Using MapReduce
♦ MapReduce with Pentaho Data Integration
♦ Data Processing in Hadoop Using Carte/ Yarn
♦ Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) Development
Predictive Analytics with PDI & Weka
♦ Data Mining Concepts
♦ Data Preparation with PDI
♦ Basics of Predictive Modeling
♦ Basic Evaluation Metrics
♦ Creating Visualizations for Viewing Predictive Results
Clustering in Pentaho
♦ Understanding the basics of clustering in Pentaho Data Integration
♦ Creating a database connection
♦ Moving a CSV file input to table output and Microsoft Excel output
♦ M from Excel to the data grid and log.
Embed Pentaho
♦ What are the embedding approaches
♦ How to Create a Pentaho Theme
♦ Blending various data types and sizes
♦ Integrating Pentaho BA Content (Mashup Embedding) & Extending
♦ Unified Embedding
Processing and Configuring
♦ Pentaho Architectural Overview
♦ How to Install the Pentaho BI Suite
♦ Introducing the Pentaho User Console and Analysis Tools
♦ Installing JDBC Drivers
♦ Deploying SCD
♦ Understanding Cube & Deploying Cubes for report creation
♦ Working with Excel sheet
♦ Pentaho data integration for report creation.
♦ Configuring Pentaho Security
♦ Configuring the Java Virtual Machine
Support and Troubleshooting
♦ Basic Troubleshooting Review
♦ Logging Best Practices
♦ Performance Tuning PDF
♦ Concepts of JVM
♦ Upgrading to latest version of Pentaho
Pentaho BI Cubes
Pentaho Dashboards and Cubes
♦ Introduction to Pentaho BI Server and Pentaho Enterprise Server
♦ Create a DATASOURCE at BI Serer
♦ Create a Simple Pentaho Dashboard using Pentaho Dashboard Designer.
♦ Create a drill down dashboard
♦ Best Practices
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