Course Overview:

PHP is the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites, and though it is a very extensive language, this class will take it step-by-step. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. You can output images, PDF files, and even Flash movies. You can also output any text, such as XHTML and XML.

Course Content:

Introduction to PHP

♦ History of PHP

♦ Versions and Differences between them

♦ Practicality

♦ Power

♦ Installation and configuring Apache and PHP

PHP Basics

Default Syntax

♦ Styles of PHP Tags

♦ Comments in PHP

♦ Output functions in PHP

♦ Datatypes in PHP

♦ Configuration Settings

♦ Error Types

Variables in PHP

♦ Variable Declarations

♦Variable Scope

♦ PHP’s Super global Variables

♦ Variable Variables

Constants in PHP

♦ Magic Constants

♦ Standard Pre-defined Constants

♦ Core Pre-defined Languages

♦ User-defined Constants

Control Structures

♦ Execution Control Statements

♦ Conditional Statements

♦ Looping Statements with Real-time Examples


♦ Creating Functions

♦ Passing Arguments by Value and Reference

♦ Recursive Functions


♦ What is an Array?

♦ How to create an Array

♦ Traversing Arrays

♦ Array Functions

Include Functions

♦ Include, Include once

♦ Require, Require once

Regular Expressions

♦ Validating text boxes, emails, phone number, etc

♦ Creating custom regular expressions

Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

♦ Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods

♦ Encapsulation

♦ Inheritance and types

♦ Polymorphism

♦ Constructor and Destructor

♦ Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions

♦ Object Cloning and Copy

♦ Reflections

PHP with MySQL

♦ What is MySQL

♦ Integration with MySQL

♦ MySQL functions

♦ Gmail Data Grid options

♦ SQL Injection

♦ Uploading and downloading images in Database

♦ Registration and Login forms with validations

♦ Paging, Sorting.

Strings and Regular Expressions

♦ Declarations styles of String Variables

♦ Heredoc style

♦ String Functions

♦ Regular Expression Syntax(POSIX)

♦ PHP’s Regular Expression Functions(POSIX Extended)

Working with the Files and Operating System

♦ File Functions

♦ Open, Create and Delete files

♦ Create Directories and Manipulate them

♦ Information about Hard Disk

♦ Directory Functions

♦ Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes

Error and Exception Handling

♦ Error Logging

♦ Configuration Directives

♦ PHP’s Exception Class

♦ Throw New Exception

♦ Custom Exceptions

Date and Time Functions

♦ HTTP Authentication

♦ PHP Authentication

♦ Authentication Methodologies


♦ Why Cookies

♦ Types of Cookies

♦ How to Create and Access Cookies

Web Services

♦ Why Web Services

♦ RSS Syntax


♦ How to Access Web Services

XML Integration

♦ What is XML

♦ Create a XML file from PHP with Database records

♦ Reading Information from XML File

MySQL Concepts

♦ Introduction

♦ Storage Engines

♦ Functions

♦ Operators

♦ Constraints

♦ DDL commands

♦ DML Commands

♦ DCL Command

♦ TCL Commands

♦ Views

♦ Joins

♦ Cursors

♦ Indexing

♦ Stored Procedures

♦ Mysql with PHP Programming

♦ Mysql with Sqlserver(Optional)


♦ Protocols

♦ HTTP Headers and types

♦ Sending Mails using PHP

♦ Email with Attachment

♦ File Uploading and Downloading using Headers

♦ Implementing Chating Applications using PHP

and Ajax

♦ SMS Gateways and sending SMS to Mobiles

♦ Payments gateways and How to Integrate them

With Complete

♦ MVC Architecture



♦ Word Press



♦ JQUERY (Introduction and few plugins only)

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