SAP FICO Trainers


Course Overview:

SAP FICO training covers the major aspects of FI (Financial Accounting) and CO (Controlling) required by organizations of varying sizes. During the training, the aspirants will learn how to integrate different modules of ERP for bringing financial automation by getting complete information on Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Tax, etc. The participants get a complete overview of controlling the flow of costs and revenues taking place, and analyzing the company’s performance for providing an improved business process in terms of financial accounting and reporting.

Course Content:


General Ledger Accounting

♦ General Ledger Master

♦ General Ledger Postings

♦ General Ledger Parking and postings

♦ Reversals

♦ Automatic Clearing

♦ Recurring Entries

♦ Taxes

♦ General Ledger Reports

Cash and Bank Accounting

♦ Cash Journals

♦ Cheque Management

♦ House bank Masters

♦ Bank Reconciliations

Accounts Payable

♦ Vendor Master

♦ Vendor Invoice Posting

♦ Vendor Credit Memo

♦ Vendor Down Payment

♦ Vendor Down Payment Clearing

♦ Vendor Outgoing payment

♦ A partial payment against an invoice

♦ Residual Payment

♦ Automatic Payment Run

♦ Withholding Tax (TDS)

♦ Vendor Reports

Accounts Receivable

♦ Customer Master

♦ Customer Invoice Posting

♦ Customer Credit Memo

♦ Customer Down Payment

♦ Customer Down Payment Clearing

♦ Customer Incoming Payment

♦ A partial payment against an invoice

♦ Residual Payment

♦ Customer Reports

Asset Accounting

♦ Asset Master

♦ Asset Procurement (Direct)

♦ Asset Procurement (through MM)

♦ Asset Retirements

♦ Asset Scrapping

♦ Depreciation Run

SAP FI Consultant Level:

♦ Define a Company

♦ Define a Company Code

♦ Assign Company Code to Company

♦ Define Chart of Accounts

♦ Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts

♦ Setup Account Groups and their Number Ranges

♦ Assign Fiscal Year Variant to Company Code

♦ Assign Posting Period Variant to Company Code

♦ Document Number Ranges for the Company Code

♦ Assign Field Status Variant to Company Code

♦ Define Employee Tolerance

♦ Define Retained Earnings Account

♦ Document types

♦ Posting Keys

♦ Validation and substitution

♦ General Ledger Account Introduction

♦ Reconciliation Accounts

♦ Expense and Revenue GL Accounts

♦ Account Assignment Model

♦ Setup tolerance for customers and vendors

♦ Customer Account Groups

♦ Create number ranges for customer accounts

♦ Assign number ranges to customer groups

♦ Customer Master Record

♦ Create Vendor Groups

♦ Create number ranges for vendor accounts

♦ Assign number ranges to vendor groups.

♦ Create Vendor Master

♦ Create underpayment account and Overpayment accounts

♦ Create a cash discount account

♦ Payment within tolerance (incoming)

♦ Payment within tolerance (outgoing)

♦ Configure Automatic Payment Program

♦ Financial Statement Version

♦ Cash Journals

♦ House Bank Configuration

♦ Check Management

♦ Manual Bank Reconciliation

♦ Asset Masters

♦ Asset Number Ranges

♦ Depreciation Areas

♦ Asset General Ledger Account Determination

♦ Depreciation Keys

♦ NEW GL and Document Splitting concepts

Controlling Area

♦ Maintain Controlling Area

♦ Assignment of Controlling Area

♦ Activate Components/Control Indicators

♦ Number Range

♦ Maintain Versions

Master Records

♦ Cost Element

♦ Cost Center

♦ Profit Center

Cost Element

♦ Primary Cost Elements (Manual)

♦ Secondary Cost Elements (Manual)

♦ Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Elements

Cost Center Accounting

♦ Define Standard Hierarchy

♦ Create Cost Center

♦ Create Cost Center Group

Transaction-Based posting

♦ Number assignment for CO documents

♦ Account assignment logic

♦ Automatic and default account assignment

♦ Transaction-based posting in CO

Profit Center Accounting

♦ Define Standard Hierarchy

♦ Create a Profit Center

♦ Create Profit Center Group

♦ Define Dummy Profit Center

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