Course Overview:

PLM is the technology marching ahead with lot of new additions to its fold and its becoming a must for enterprise success. SAP & ORACLE being big names in ERP are also pulled into it due to this technology's steady progress. SAP is a big name in enterprise solution and quick enough to venture into PLM space realizing growing importance of this technology. The biggest benefit SAP will have in future is no need of extra licence for any of the PLM application areas

Course Content:


♦ Theory of Product Life Cycle Management
♦ SAP PLM Architecture
♦ Core PLM Components in ERP
♦ SAP PLM Extensions
♦ PLM systems (Dev, Quality, Pre-Prod, Prod, Inactive, Obsolete)
♦ Status Release
♦ SAP PLM Interface
♦ Incident Management, OSS Tickets, Remedy Tool, Testing
♦ Functional Consultant Roles

Document Management System

♦ Introduction to SAP DMS
♦ Infrastructure Requirements
(Content server, Cache Server, Index Server (TREX), Conversion server)
♦ Before starting your SAP DMS Project
♦ Functions for DIR’s
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(Cv01n, Cv02n, CV03n)
♦ Configuring SAP DMS
♦ DMS Approval process (Status Network)
♦ SAP DMS Security
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Engineering Change Management

♦ Introduction to SAP ECM
♦ End-to-End Process of ECM
♦ ECR/ECO process – Example
♦ ECR convert into an ECO
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(CC01, CC02, CC03)
♦ Configuring SAP ECM
♦ ECR/ECO status Management
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Master Data Management

♦ Types of Data (Organizational, Master, Transactional)
♦ Material Master data (MARA, MARC, STPO, STKO, AUSP)
♦ BOM Functionalities
♦ BOM Categories
♦ BOM Usage / Alt BOM
♦ BOM Explosion / Comparison
♦ Variant BOM

Classification System

♦ Class
♦ Characteristics
♦ Object Classification

Variant configuration

♦ Variant Configuration
♦ Why use variant configuration
♦ SAP PLM Online Training
♦ Data Model IPPE
♦ Configuration Settings
♦ Business Scenarios for product variants
♦ Manufacturing Collaboration

Recipe Development – NWBC Environment

♦ Recipe Definition
♦ Recipe types
♦ Specifications
♦ Recipe / Specification relation
♦ Status Management
♦ Frontend Functionalities

CAD Integration

♦ Mechanical Computer-Aided Design systems
♦ Authorizing connectors
♦ SAP 3D Visualization
♦ Videos reference.

Interfacing Landscape

♦ Interfacing landscape – including TC, PLM and IS
♦ TC as an application system
♦ An interface between TC and PLM
♦ Interfaces between PLM and IS
♦ Posting of messages from TC in PLM
♦ Issues during the posting of messages from TC
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

C-folder, C-projects & Overviews

♦ Using project collaboration via C-projects and C-Folders
♦ SAP PPM (Portfolio management) Overview
♦ SAP PS (Project Systems) Overview
♦ SAP PLM E2E implementation (Migration, Integration, Customization & Implementation)
♦ SAP S/4 Hana Overview
♦ SAP Fiori Overview

SAP Product Life-cycle Management Overview

♦ Theory of Product Life Cycle Management
♦ SAP PLM Architecture
♦ Core PLM Components in ERP
♦ SAP PLM Extensions
♦ PLM systems (Dev, Quality, Pre-Prod, Prod, Inactive, Obsolete)
♦ Status Release
♦ SAP PLM Interface
♦ Incident Management, OSS Tickets, Remedy Tool, Testing
♦ Functional Consultant Roles

Document Management System (DMS)

 ♦ Introduction to SAP DMS
 ♦ Infrastructure Requirements
(Content server, Cache Server, Index Server (TREX), Conversion server)
♦ Before starting your SAP DMS Project
♦ Functions for DIR’s
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(Cv01n, Cv02n, CV03n)
♦ Configuring SAP DMS
♦ DMS Approval process (Status Network)
♦ SAP DMS Security
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Engineering Change Management (ECM)

♦ Introduction to SAP ECM
♦ End-to-End Process of ECM
♦ ECR/ECO process – Example
♦ ECR convert into an ECO
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(CC01, CC02, CC03)
♦ Configuring SAP ECM
♦ ECR/ECO status Management
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Master Data Management (MDM)

♦ Types of Data (Organizational, Master, Transactional)
♦ Material Master data (MARA, MARC, STPO, STKO, AUSP)
♦ BOM Functionalities
♦ BOM Categories
♦ BOM Usage / Alt BOM
♦ BOM Explosion / Comparison
♦ Variant BOM

Classification System

♦ Class
♦ Characteristics
♦ Object Classification

Variant configuration

♦ Variant Configuration
♦ Why use variant configuration
♦ SAP PLM Online Training
♦ Data Model IPPE
♦ Configuration Settings
♦ Business Scenarios for product variants
♦ Manufacturing Collaboration

Recipe Development – NWBC Environment

♦ Recipe Definition
♦ Recipe types
♦ Specifications
♦ Recipe / Specification relation
♦ Status Management
♦ Frontend Functionalities

CAD Integration

♦ Mechanical Computer-Aided Design systems
♦ Authorizing connectors
♦ SAP 3D Visualization
♦ Videos reference.

Interfacing Landscape

♦ Interfacing landscape – including TC, PLM and IS
♦ TC as an application system
♦ An interface between TC and PLM
♦ Interfaces between PLM and IS
♦ Posting of messages from TC in PLM
♦ Issues during the posting of messages from TC
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

C-folder, C-projects & Overviews

 ♦ Using project collaboration via C-projects and C-Folders
 ♦ SAP PPM (Portfolio management) Overview
 ♦ SAP PS (Project Systems) Overview
 ♦ SAP PLM E2E implementation (Migration, Integration, Customization & Implementation)
 ♦ SAP S/4 Hana Overview
 ♦ SAP Fiori Overview

SAP Product Life-cycle Management Overview

♦ Theory of Product Life Cycle Management
♦ SAP PLM Architecture
♦ Core PLM Components in ERP
♦ SAP PLM Extensions
♦ PLM systems (Dev, Quality, Pre-Prod, Prod, Inactive, Obsolete)
♦ Status Release
♦ SAP PLM Interface
♦ Incident Management, OSS Tickets, Remedy Tool, Testing
♦ Functional Consultant Roles

Document Management System (DMS)

♦ Introduction to SAP DMS
♦ Infrastructure Requirements
(Content server, Cache Server, Index Server (TREX), Conversion server)
♦ Before starting your SAP DMS Project
♦ Functions for DIR’s
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(Cv01n, Cv02n, CV03n)
♦ Configuring SAP DMS
♦ DMS Approval process (Status Network)
♦ SAP DMS Security
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Engineering Change Management (ECM)

♦ Introduction to SAP ECM
♦ End-to-End Process of ECM
♦ ECR/ECO process – Example
♦ ECR convert into an ECO
♦ Step-by-Step Instructions
(CC01, CC02, CC03)
♦ Configuring SAP ECM
♦ ECR/ECO status Management
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

Master Data Management (MDM)

♦ Types of Data (Organizational, Master, Transactional)
♦ Material Master data (MARA, MARC, STPO, STKO, AUSP)
♦ BOM Functionalities
♦ BOM Categories
♦ BOM Usage / Alt BOM
♦ BOM Explosion / Comparison
♦ Variant BOM

Classification System

♦ Class
♦ Characteristics
♦ Object Classification

Variant configuration

♦ Variant Configuration
♦ Why use variant configuration
♦ SAP PLM Online Training
♦ Data Model IPPE
♦ Configuration Settings
♦ Business Scenarios for product variants
♦ Manufacturing Collaboration

Recipe Development – NWBC Environment

♦ Recipe Definition
♦ Recipe types
♦ Specifications
♦ Recipe / Specification relation
♦ Status Management
♦ Frontend Functionalities

CAD Integration

♦ Mechanical Computer-Aided Design systems
♦ Authorizing connectors
♦ SAP 3D Visualization
♦ Videos reference.

Interfacing Landscape

♦ Interfacing landscape – including TC, PLM and IS
♦ TC as an application system
♦ An interface between TC and PLM
♦ Interfaces between PLM and IS
♦ Posting of messages from TC in PLM
♦ Issues during the posting of messages from TC
♦ Real-time Scenarios, Incident Management

C-folder, C-projects & Overviews

♦ Using project collaboration via C-projects and C-Folders
♦ SAP PPM (Portfolio management) Overview
♦ SAP PS (Project Systems) Overview
♦ SAP PLM E2E implementation (Migration, Integration, Customization & Implementation)
♦ SAP S/4 Hana Overview
♦ SAP Fiori Overview

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