In this module, you will understand basic relational concepts and overview of Teradata such as its History, Comparison with other RDBMS, Architecture, Components (PE, BYNET, AMP), Interaction between components, Storage and Retrieval architecture, Connectivity with Mainframe and advanced architecture. How components Interact with each other, How Data is stored and Retrieved, Connectivity with Mainframe and Network Applications, Tools & Utilities, Teradata Unified Data Architecture.
♦ What is Teradata?
♦ Teradatav12 & versions
♦ Teradata History
♦ Teradata users scalability
♦ Teradata &other RDBMS
♦ Teradata warehouse
♦ Teradata in the Enterprise
♦ Interview Q&A and Certification queries
Teradata Architecture & It’s Components
♦ Node Architecture(Shared Architecture)
♦ SMP Architecture
♦ MPP Architecture
♦ Parsing engine(PE) Architecture
♦ AMP Architecture &uses
♦ Bynet Benefits &types
♦ Parallel data extension(PDE)
♦ Teradata directory program(TDP)
♦ Call level interface(CLI)
♦ Trusted parallel application(TPA)
♦ Virtual processors
♦ Bynet 0 &Bynet 1
Recovery &Protection Of Data
♦ What is fall back &where it used
♦ Why for fall back
♦ What is Clique
♦ AMP Clustering
♦ & types for simultaneous Access
♦ Why for locks &how to release
♦ RAID 1 &RAID 5
♦ Journals &types
♦ Virtual Disk Array
♦ How & where is used journals
♦ Q & A about data recovery
Teradata Indexes
♦ Types of indexes in Teradata
♦ Hash index
♦ Join index
♦ Primary index(unique, non- unique)
♦ Secondary index(unique, non- unique)
♦ Skewness
♦ Keys & indexes (How & why these used)
How To Storage & Retrieval Of Data
♦ Hash algorithm
♦ hash
♦ Hashmap
♦ Hash bucket
♦ Receiving VDisc
Teradata SQL Quarryman
♦ SQL Fundamentals
♦ Data types and literals
♦ DDL Statements
♦ DML Statements
♦ Teradata naming conversing
Teradata SQL Functions & Operations
♦ String functions
♦ Format functions
♦ Cast functions
♦ Cast functions
♦ Group & Aggregation functions
♦ Logical operations
♦ Arithmetic operations
♦ Set operations
♦ Join operations
♦ Conditional expressions
Teradata Join Strategies & Unions
♦ Hash join
♦ Merge join
♦ Nested join
♦ Product join
♦ Inner join
♦ Left & right outer join
♦ Full outer join
Teradata Objects
♦ Types of tables
Set tables
Multi tables
♦ Volatile tables
Global temporary tables
Derived tables
♦ Views
♦ Macros
♦ Stored procedures
♦ Triggers
Teradata Memory Spaces
♦ Permanent spaces
♦ Temporary spaces
♦ Spool spaces
♦ Users spaces & PWD
Teradata Transaction Modes
♦ Batch mode
♦ BTET mode
♦ ANSI mode
♦ How Converted into others
Teradata Performance Tuning On Sql Assistance
♦ Usage of PMON
♦ Explain usage
♦ Collecting statistics
♦ SQL tuning
♦ Various SQL statements
♦ Real time Issues & resolving
Teradata Utilities & Tools (Import & Export)
Teradata BTeq scripts
♦ Overview of BTeq
♦ Looping stages
♦ Batches scripts
♦ Import &export scripts with Examples
♦ Error handling
♦ Real-time scripts
Teradata FastLoad
♦ Types of pages & how to find it
♦ Advantages & its process
♦ Limitations of fast load
♦ Real-time scripts
Teradata MultiLoad
♦ Overview of Multi-load
♦ Types of phages in MultiLoad
♦ Advantages & its process
♦ Limitations of MultiLoad
♦ Uses various types of operations
♦ Work on Multi tables
♦ Real-time scripts
♦ Sample scripts
Teradata Tpump
♦ Overview of Tpump
♦ Limitations of Tpump
♦ Work on Multi tables
♦ Real-time scripts
♦ Sample scripts
Teradata Fast Export
♦ How to export the data
♦ Passing parameters
♦ IN/OUT Modes
♦ Work on Multi tables
♦ Real-time scripts
♦ Sample scripts
Teradata SQL Assistant(Quarryman)
Teradata performance tuning on scripts
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