
Course Overview:

This webMethods training develops skills and proficiency in the webMethods integration platform from the ground up. You will explore about the webMethods architecture, integration tools, webMethods components, advanced web services, and much more with real-time use cases. We also offer industry-level projects to enhance your skills and successfully clear the webMethods 

Course Content:


♦ Introduction to Integration Platform and the Need for Integration
♦ Types of Integrations
♦ Levels of Integrations
♦ Types of Messaging Mode Architectures
♦ Types of Addressing Mode Architectures
♦ Introduction to XML
♦ Components of Web Methods
♦ Web Methods Architecture
♦ Integration Basics
♦ Introduction to Web Methods ESB
♦ What is Web Methods ESB
♦ Web Methods ESB Components
♦ Web Methods ESB capabilities

Packages, Flow Steps

♦ Packages, Folders & the Namespace
♦ Naming Standards for Elements
♦ Java Services
♦ Building Services to interact with Application Server
♦ Flow Services
♦ Flow Steps
♦ Startup & Shutdown Services
♦ Working with Document Types
♦ Mapping Documents
♦ Working with XML documents

Overview of SOA

♦ Overview of SOAP and WSDL
♦ Structure
♦ Advantage of using SOAP
♦ Web Services
♦ Creating webservice
♦ Exposing a webservice
♦ REST Implementation

Flat File

♦ Developing Flat file schema and dictionaries
♦ Invoking Services and Manipulating Data
♦ File Poling

Overview of WebMethods Messaging

♦ Messaging Overview
♦ Broker 
♦ Universal Messaging
♦ Publish and Subscribe / JMS messaging using UM.
♦ Publish and Subscribe / JMS messaging using Broker
♦ WebMethods Broker Territories and Gateways
♦ JMS Destinations
♦ Topic
♦ Queue
♦ Configuring message persistence
♦ Acknowledgement Modes

Overview of Adapters in web Methods

♦ Working with JDBC Adapter
♦ Creating JDBC Adapter Connection
♦ Creating Adapter Services
♦ Creating Adapter Notifications

Overview of Trading Networks

♦ Architecture of Trading Networks
♦ Configuring Trading Networks database
♦ Configuring Trading Networks
♦ Partner Profiles
♦ Enterprise Profiles
♦ Document Types
♦ Processing Rules
♦ Sending and Receiving documents using TN
♦ Testing and debugging in TN

Overview of Administrator

♦ Administration (Developer)
♦ Exporting Packages
♦ Package Management
♦ Security Management
♦ Users
♦ Groups
♦ Logging
♦ Audit Logging
♦ Configuring Ports
♦ IS Administration
♦ My Web Methods Server Administration
♦ Configuring the Trigger properties

Overview of Deployer

♦ Creating Project
♦ Define, Build, Mapping the Projects
♦ Deploy the Project

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